The week after Mom left and Dylan returned to school we were reminded that is was not spring yet--instead we were blanketed with a fresh layer of snow from a spring storm.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Mom arrived just in time for the Easter Bunny. Although it was a good visit, I think she decided to plan her next trip during a warmer season--which basically means Frontier Days! Dylan thought "Finding Nemo On Ice" was for babies, but he agreed to take Grandma. We all enjoyed it--including Dylan. We ate at the new Bone Fish restaurant in Loveland--a good choice for a sea-themed night. It was delicious, but Dylan was disappointed the fish did not have bones in them like at Grandma's house. (Yes, he is a Southern boy deep down!)
The next evening we saw Cirque Dreams Jungle Dreams in Cheyenne. What can I say , but "WOW! It was mesmerizing. We got home in time to turn in so the Easter Bunny could make his visit. Dylan was delighted with his brand new sporty red bike and a few chocolate goodies.
We attended Easter Services at Element Church. We are happy to have found our new church, but it was very different than the Easter Services of my past. No full choir or Easter Cantata, no Easter lilies, no "Up From the Grave He Arose" or the "Hallelujah Chorus", no Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and no brand new dresses, but it was a tremendous celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Element continues to increase its presence in our community. We now have nearly 500 in worship each week and God has answered our prayers for a permanent location. The church has been meeting at the Frontier Mall Theater since it launched in October.

Oh, yeah---Dylan's front tooth had been loose for weeks. He still believes Granddaddy should come back from heaven to pull his teeth, since he pulled Dylan's first loose tooth in July. We reminded him not to play with his tooth during eKidz (aka Sunday School) Easter Sunday. Well, I am sure it just fell out of his mouth without any coaxing....because he came running out of eKidz with his tooth waded up in a tissue and showed Kelly his toothless grin. Here's the proof:
That afternoon Dylan took his new bike for a spin. He hunted Easter eggs with the girls next door--Shy Anne, Samantha, and Sydney. Do you know how hard it is to hide Easter eggs when you do not have grass, flowers, or trees--just an occasional tumbleweed rolling through the yard???

The week after Mom left and Dylan returned to school we were reminded that is was not spring yet--instead we were blanketed with a fresh layer of snow from a spring storm.

The week after Mom left and Dylan returned to school we were reminded that is was not spring yet--instead we were blanketed with a fresh layer of snow from a spring storm.