To Dylan no holiday ranks as high as his birthday--in his mind the whole year revolves around August 4th! Nonetheless, he was relatively excited about Mother's Day. He and Kelly got me a new Palm Treo phone. Now I feel really grown up. Although I am not a "techy", I like having my calendar and contacts within reach at all times. Kelly bought me a bluetooth, too. After church we drove to Ft. Collins to spend the day with Kelly's family.
As with most Moms, one of my favorite gifts did not come from the store. Dylan made me a Mother's Day card with his picture that included the following poem he wrote. It says it all (I think!)
I love you like the beautiful sunset on a summer evening.
I love you like an apple fell off a tree.
I love you like a pen you can write on a piece of paper with.
I love you like a watermelon to eat.
I love you like a bear heart.
I love you like a ladybug in a garden.
I love you like a rose bloom.
I love you like a fireplace.
I love you like a cherry on a tree.
I love you like a spider spinning webs.